Welcome, Guests

Hi, my name is Howard Yu and welcome to my blazor demo. You are seeing this message as you have either logged out of the system or you are browsing to see my blazor demo for the first time. Some personal transactions are hidden but most are visible for you to see my demo.

About this demo

  1. I conceived this app after seeing my savings deplete rapidly after multiple big purchases and not knowing where my money was spent from multiple sources, and wanting to be more organized and not throw out all my receipts before having a record somewhere, I created this app originally in a desktop WinForm project to record my purchases.
  2. As blazor grew in popularity and a C# developer could build single page application (SPA) without having to touch javascript that much, I became intrigued and decided to port the desktop app to a blazor server app. Other than some HTML bootstrap lookups, I didn't face many difficulties getting all the functions needed from the desktop app.
  3. Each transaction includes a category and a vendor to further separate out where the spend is going according to my liking.
  4. My preferred features are figuring out if any transactions include cashback rates (ie credit cards) or instant rebates as I need this feature to maximize my spend and cash back rates. (Most popular ones have a limit, so stopping right at the cap maximizes my spend strategy)
  5. Best part about this demo is I can figure out where the spend is going and I can build out any new features should I find them beneficial to my finances.
  6. This blazor server demo tech stack is built with: Visual Studio, .NET 8, Radzen blazor components, Dapper, Sql Server, and bootstrap CSS.
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